Found it! The entrance of Tumnus' cave!

12 dec 2009


Welcome at this WARDROBE
The place where one can freely think about existential questions.
About creation or even the relation between cheese and the evolution theory.
Or something different we come from elswere. We are Only visiting this planet.
Do you dare to open this wardrobe?
Feel free to come in,
have cup of tea
and discuss the law
with me.
How about a poem.
We'll keep it in english so lots of people can read it.
It is called: Freedom lies in the solitude

Freedom lies in the solitude

I often wonder why

Mankind is reaching out for more

Çause we’re not able to get higher

Than the highest cloud

Freedom lies in the solitude

I often wonder why

Mankind is reaching much to far

Cause we can ‘t think deeper

Than our deepest thoughts

But when we pray

Our spirit soars

Into the highest heaven

Freedom lies in the solitude

I often wonder why

Mankind is always looking back

And say the past was better

Than life will be today

Say there will be a new tomorrow

And then pursue their way


Still chained

To their own concentions

Follow their misleading intentions

But when we pray

Our spirits soars

Into the highest heavens

Freedom lies in the solitude

Of a softly prayer

1 opmerking:

  1. Een mooi gedicht mr. Snuts =) Het past goed bij de spirituele taal van de verdieping, waarin stilte en contemplatie wegen zijn tot God of vanuit God. =)

    We can't think deeper than our deepest thoughts, but we can experience much further than our thoughts > Because I exist, therefore I think =)

    Om maar even een existentiele noot tegen het cartiaanse primaat eraan toe te voegen.

    De benedictijnen hebben dit uitgewerkt in het innerlijk zwijgen en daar is ook de ruimte van het gebed. Het gebed wat voorbij de gedachten gaat en soms alleen een zuchten kan zijn.

    Ik lees wel weer verder en kijk gerust ook eens bij mijn speeltuin van gedachten =)



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